Megan specializes in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. She provides group, individual and family counseling. Megan received both her BS in Psychology and MS in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from the University of Wisconsin-Parkside.

Megan Santoro


About OMNI

OMNI is a local, community-based nonprofit that partners with our community to save lives and change futures. OMNI impacts over 115,000 people annually primarily living in Lake and Cook Counties.

Since 1972 OMNI has been a leader in providing life-changing and life-saving counseling, case management and community-wide prevention services to youth, adults, and families. Our mission is to provide access to quality behavioral health and educational support services for children and adults that results in pathways to successful and healthy behaviors throughout life. OMNI Means “ALL” in Latin and we stand by accessible and inclusive services for all in the community who need us.

OMNI helps individuals overcome challenges, develop strengths and build skills they can use for a lifetime. We address both social determinants of health as well as provide critical mental health counseling and supportive case management services.  OMNI provides Individual, Family and Group Counseling for children, adolescents and adults, 24 hour crisis Intervention, substance abuse prevention and treatment, child abuse prevention and intervention, juvenile justice services, youth leadership and healthy choice advocacy and family resource support.

Common issues OMNI battles with our clients include: depression/anxiety, peer and relationship issues, family conflicts/divorce, trauma past and ongoing (domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault), academic problems, criminal activity, substance abuse, school refusal and much more. OMNI creates positive change today for a better tomorrow.