Family Preservation
Partnering with referrals from the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), OMNI provides home-based services that keep children safe while strengthening families and helping them stay together. These include in-home counseling and case management for abused and neglected children and their families. The primary responsibility for all OMNI Family Preservation staff is the safety and well-being of children and youth.
Intact Family Services
The Intact Family Services Program provides strength-based case management services to families who DCFS has identified as safe, but at risk for abuse and/or neglect. These services include coordinating counseling and assisting youth with school. Intact case managers help maintain the family unit through assessing each family’s needs and strengths in the home for three months to one year.
Dually Involved Youth Program
Youth who are involved in both the child welfare and the juvenile justice systems receive support in coordinating their care and transitioning to adulthood through our Dually Involved Youth Program. OMNI team members work directly with the youth, parent(s)/guardian(s), school personnel and more to create a wraparound plan focused on helping the youth achieve their goals and make healthy decisions.
Learn more about the Dually Involved Youth program and see eligibility requirements.
For more info, please contact our Customer Care Specialist at (847) 353-1500 ext. 1664